"Come with me into the woods. Where spring is advancing, as it does, no matter what, not being singular or particular, but one of the forever gifts, and certainly visible."
~Mary Oliver

"Come with me into the woods. Where spring is advancing, as it does, no matter what, not being singular or particular, but one of the forever gifts, and certainly visible."
~Mary Oliver
"The love of children inspires an interest in the welfare of all humanity." ~James Lendall Basford
We are so happy to have the smiling faces of PS 132 back on the Farm!
Along with caring for our Farm animals, the kids are also learning about sugaring. They have been tapping trees & hanging sap buckets.
Sending love out to all of our Farm Family!
"Truth is, I love everyone that is a good person regardless of what they look like, walk like, or who they love." ~ Doja Cat
As the Farm “sleeps” softly under the snow, we notice the days are getting bit longer. The sun peaks out a bit earlier each morning & sneaks away bit later each afternoon. The staff has been working on tapping the maple trees in the sugarbush, preparing for one of our favorite seasons, Sugaring Season!
Rain or shine, come visit us for this free family event!
The milking herd is out on grass! And they are “udderly” delighted!
We want to honor our hard working girls!
February 2022, Amethyst is our highest milk producer!
March 2022, Cooper is our highest milk producer
"Children make your life important." ~Erma Bombeck
We are easing back into having students at the Farm, with the help of our friends at the local Summer SOAK program. I can not express just how amazingly-wonderful it feels to have children back! The animals were as tentative as the students, and a lovely morning was had by all.