It's a beautiful week to spend with PS 124!

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” 
― Charles Dickens

They're back!

"The love of children inspires an interest in the welfare of all humanity." ~James Lendall Basford

We are so happy to have the smiling faces of PS 132 back on the Farm!

Along with caring for our Farm animals, the kids are also learning about sugaring. They have been tapping trees & hanging sap buckets.

Late winter update:

As the Farm “sleeps” softly under the snow, we notice the days are getting bit longer. The sun peaks out a bit earlier each morning & sneaks away bit later each afternoon. The staff has been working on tapping the maple trees in the sugarbush, preparing for one of our favorite seasons, Sugaring Season!

What a beautiful way to start the week with our friends from Manning!

"April mixes silver rain

And golden sun to suds

To wash the scarlet petticoats

Of the little maple buds."

~Frances Frost, "Spring Families," The Little Whistler, 1949

Visit our Facebook page to view the full album.

It was a fun week with PS15!

"Kindness is just love with its workboots on." ~Karen McCullah and Kirsten Smith

Visit our Facebook page to view the full album.

Welcome back Epiphany!

You can always tell about somebody by the way they put their hands on an animal. ~Betty White

Visit out Facebook page for the full Album

What and amazing & snowy week it was with PS 249!

"Snow is so light and so bright and so fluffy, Unless you must shovel it — then it's a toughy!" ~Robert Orben

Visit our Facebook page for full album

It has been a delightful week with our friends from PS 124!

"March, when days are getting long,

Let thy growing hours be strong

To set right some wintry wrong."

~Caroline May

Visit Facebook for the full album

Hello again PS 205!

"March is blustery and boisterous,

Never quiet nor inert,

Swaggers in and out with gusto—

March is just an extravert."

~Thelma Ireland

Getting the girls ready!

Be happy, and a reason will come along. ~Robert Brault

In anticipation of students returning to the farm soon, the farm staff’s kids are helping with some hand-milking lessons.

Students have FINALLY returned the Farm!

"Children make your life important." ~Erma Bombeck

We are easing back into having students at the Farm, with the help of our friends at the local Summer SOAK program. I can not express just how amazingly-wonderful it feels to have children back! The animals were as tentative as the students, and a lovely morning was had by all.